
The word Salam in Arabic is one of the greeting ways and it means peace.

  • Salam program is the home ground of Arabic learning for scholars of any age group from entire the world who are interested in the Middle East and looking for a chance to learn the Arabic language and live the experience of new culture and explore the Arabic heritage
  • Salam Program is certified to prove your presence in this valuable experience plus attendance certificates accompanied by souvenir gifts to the participants.
  • Salam program provides cultural trips and activities will be organized during the program to Wadi Rum, Petra, Dana, and other historical neighboring sites.
  • Based upon professional identities, skills, and academic disciplines, all scholars of this program will participate in several volunteering works to serve the surrounding local society.
  • The Program includes guided living and practical tours through Aqaba city

Please feel free to contact us for more information.
